Past Meetings
Variety of topics related to gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition each year are chosen and nationally recognized speakers carefully selected and invited for each meeting. Dr. Ali Lankarani is the Jacksonville Gut Club organizer and works closely with local gastroenterologists that serve as moderators to plan for each meeting. Our local moderators identify the topics of interest and invite nationally known speakers for each meeting. Attendees generally present personal case studies related to the symposium topics with follow up discussion. Moderators allow time after each presentation for further discussion from attendees and moderate the subsequent discussions.
Topics for each lecture are selected based on the Jacksonville Gut Club members requests and determined by the moderators. The topics are condition-based lectures and when use of medications, or devices for treatment or testing for diagnosis of condition discussed, other available options are included in the lecture. Drug, device or test related lectures in addition to pharmacy sponsored lectures are prohibited during the Jacksonville Gut Club meetings.